exhibition view 'Drei Zeichnungen und ein Wesen, Galerina Steiner, Berlin (DE)
'Wesen' ('Being'), coat, gum boots, oil, cement, glue, backpack, textile flowers, shells, hooks, mannequin, 172 x 50 x 30 cm, 2012
'Wesen' ('Being'), detail, coat and textile flowers, 2012
'Wesen' ('Being'), detail, coat, textile flowers and shells, 2012
'Wesen' ('Being'), gum boots, oil, cement, glue, shells, mannequin, 2012
'Wesen' ('Being'), gum boots, oil, cement, glue, shells, mannequin, 2012
'Detached', clothes, boots, horn, cement, iron bars, bubble wrap, 168 x 39 x 45 cm, 2010
'Detached' (detail), 2010