Left: 'Still / Home', 2024, shelf, glazed ceramics, drawing on glass, desert rose, succulent with peat, wood, paint on stone, printed words and paper, 119 x 130 x 24,5 cm. Right: 'A Crystal Also Grows (Meninas Too)', 2000/2024, glazed ceramics, framed collages, magnifying glass, plaster, vase, drawing, printed words and paper, 208 x 57 x 22,5 cm
'Still / Home', detail: shelf, glazed ceramics, drawing on glass, succulent with peat, wood, printed words and paper, 2024
'The Up-Side-Down-Mountain', oil on wood table and engobe on ceramic, 74 x 67 x 42 cm, 2022/24
'The Gallery of the Neutrals and Some Lifelines', glazed ceramics, framed collages, wood, plaster, vase, drawings, printed words and paper, 208 x 57 x 22,5 cm, 2000/2024