'A4, A5 vertical / A4, A4 horizontal (Still Life)', 142 x 60 x 30 cm, 2016
'A4, A5 vertical / A4, A4 horizontal (Still Life)', detail: oil paint under glass, glass, wood, graphite on paper, crate, offset printing, glass mosaic.
'A4, A5 vertical / A4, A4 horizontal (Still Life)', detail: crate, crystal decanter cap, millimeter paper, clay.
'A4, A5 vertical / A4, A4 horizontal (Still Life)', detail: oil paint under glass and stone.
'A4, A5 vertical / A4, A4 horizontal (Still Life)', detail: graphite on paper, crate, crystal decanter and tile.
'A4, A5 vertical / A4, A4 horizontal (Still Life)', detail: oil paint under glass, wood and glass mosaic.