'Where empty? And the darkness? And the abyss? Floating? At what levels?', exhibition view Vera Cortês Art Agency, Lisbon (PT) 2016
'Where empty? And the darkness? And the abyss? Floating? At what levels?', oil on canvas, 38 × 55 cm, plant stand, lead, oil paint under glass, volcanic stone, 131 × 30 × 30 cm, 2015
'Where empty? And the darkness? And the abyss? Floating? At what levels?' (detail), wooden plant stand and lead, 2015
'Where empty? And the darkness? And the abyss? Floating? At what levels?' (detail), wooden plant stand, lead, glass mosaic tiles, glass float, 2015
'Where empty? And the darkness? And the abyss? Floating? At what levels?' (detail), oil on canvas, oil paint under glass, volcanic stone, 2015